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Helping Students Grow

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Program Director

The Divine Intervention Center does many wonderful things for the students and adults whom they encounter! It takes heart and dedication to be relentless in the effort to further the lives of any student, but the student with a disability needs a little extra.

Donisha Simonton, Program Director gives her own motivation for starting Divine Intervention Center.

The reason for starting DIC

She spent a great majority of my career working with adults with barriers. In doing so, she realized that a lot of the adults that she served didn't have access to resources that were available. Many of them lacked the tools needed to be self-sufficient. She felt compelled to work with students with disabilities to enlighten them at an earlier age on the resources needed to be independent adults; reaching their fullest potential through employment and post-secondary training. She was also tugged personally. She had a very close family member who was born with CP. She went through 13 years of secondary education and received a certificate of completion. Afterwards, she reached out to several local agencies to help her secure employment. Although she was very intelligent and had various interests and skills; she never obtained employment. Instead she sat at home with gifts and talents that would have benefited the workforce. Donisha often pondered on how differently things may have turned out for that family member if there was divine intervention.


Donisha Simonton is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor! She obtained her undergraduate and graduate degrees from The University of Memphis- undergraduate degree in Disability Studies and Rehabilitation Services and graduate degree in Counseling with a concentration in Rehabilitation Counseling. Donisha's life mission is to assist individuals with reaching their fullest potential through independent living, education and employment! She possesses over 20 years of working hands-on with children and adults with disabilities including vision loss, blindness and deaf and hard of hearing. Her community service projects include serving on the Board of Directors for Tennessee Association of Blind Athletes, Tri-State Adaptive Sports Association, Plelix and serving in capacity on countless parental support groups!

Sherri Scott Bio Photo


Transition Coordinator

Loved by students and staff alike, Sherri Scott brings knowledge, enthusiasm and joy to DIVINE INTERVENTION CENTER.

Sherri L. Scott has worked as the Transition Coordinator for Divine Intervention Center (DIC) since 2018. As Coordinator, she is responsible for pre-ETS lesson planning and content, professional development and Specialist training, evaluation and reporting, creating and facilitating special events, and securing community partnerships and speakers that support the mission and vision of Divine Intervention Center. In addition to her role as Coordinator, Sherri has contributed to the successful transition of DIC participants by teaching pre-ETS topics in various classroom settings within Memphis and Shelby County Schools. She's earned credentials in Education, Counseling and Behavioral Sciences, and Human Services, all of which she feels blessed to utilize regularly in this role. Her sixteen years of post-secondary experience, including Admissions, Disability Services, and instructor of Academic Success, also lend a unique and beneficial lens to the pre-ETS services provided by Divine Intervention Center. 


Sherri was born and raised in Memphis, TN, and is a doting mother and grandmother. She has a passion for writing and is the author of three self-published novels, two of which promote positive thinking and outcomes for tweens and teens. 


In addition to her role as Transition Coordinator, Sherri is a creator of skin care products and is currently in training to become a childcare services owner. As our Program Coordinator, Sherri has been an invaluable member of our team.



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Lead Transition Specialist

Mrs. Brown-Ball has an associate's degree in Early Childhood Education from Southwest Tennessee Community College and a bachelor's degree in Education from The University of Memphis, where she had the distinction of graduating Summa Cum Laude!  She is certified to teach K-5th General Education and K-12th Special Education. 

She enjoys spending quality time with family and creating memories. She's fun, silly, and loves cultivating laughter within others using her outgoing personality! Your scholars are in good hands with Kayla!

Kay Johnson


Transition Specialist

Since joining DIVINE INTERVENTION CENTER, Kay’s super powers are: self-care, confidence, and professional transition strategies. Kay Johnson, is an energy force to be reckoned with. Kay is the Author of Beginners Vibe Guide: The Millennial Success Map and The Ultimate Hustler, Top 5 Miss Tennessee candidate in 2022, Public Speaker, and Transition Specialist for the state of Tennessee. Highlighting her educational success, Kay is a Leader School graduate, Successful Women in Business program graduate, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences and Non-Profit Management. Our students love her enthusiasm and knack for bringing lessons to life. 

Karena Wilson


Transition Specialist

Energetic and driven, we were thrilled when Karena Wilson joined as our Transition Specialist. Karena Wilson is always excited to take on the next challenge and push our team forward.
Karena has been married to her wonderful husband for almost 30 years. They have 3 children and 2 grandsons. She homeschooled her 3 children, who have completely different learning styles, for 18 years.  In that time, she also taught classes for several students of varying ages, several of whom had learning challenges of some kind.  Over the years, she developed a heart for children with challenges. She enjoyed discovering their learning styles and helping them realize that they were very capable of learning; they just needed to figure out how they learned. Long before she homeschooled her own children, she was the only girl out of 5 children. Three of her four brothers had a learning disability. Her mother also believed she had one but was never diagnosed. As a result, her mother dropped out of high school. She also has a first cousin who has autism, although it wasn’t diagnosed as that in the 1960’s. This history instilled in her an empathy for people with learning challenges. That empathy was further developed when one of her very close friend’s daughter was diagnosed with autism at 18 months old. She immediately became a student of autism-- determined to learn all she could to help in every way possible.  Five years ago, another close friend gave birth to a precious little boy with Downs Syndrome, and he won her heart.  She then became a student of Downs Syndrome. Having these two special people in her life has educated her more than a school ever could. They have also increased her desire to work with children who have special needs. She believes with all her heart that each student has purpose, gifts and God-given talents and is dedicated to help each of them discover what they are.

Ericka Holland

Transition Specialist

Ericka Holland is a Transitional Specialist with DIC. Ericka teaches students with different abilities ages 14-22, Pre-Employment Transition Services. Ericka teaches students how to Self-Advocate with knowledge of Self-Awareness. During the week you will catch her using Post-Secondary Counseling and Job Exploration Counseling skills as she engages with students.  She has worked work students with special needs in Tennessee schools systems for 20 years. Ericka was motivated to work with Special Needs Children when she experienced the responsibility of baby-sitting her little cousin who has special needs. Ericka is a member at St. Luke Baptist Church and teaches Bible class. Ericks is the mother of three very intelligent boys whom she loves dearly. Ericka is a grandmother to four smart and adorable grandchildren. She loves to cook, eat a different restaurants, go to the movie theatre, spend time with family, play cards, travel and teach students how to navigate a successful life journey!

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